Tuesday, January 17, 2012

day 10 pop tab and chainmail handflower left hand (17 jan)

Somedays i do not like what i make or think it can be done better, but today i am love with my own creation. I am totally going to wear this the next concert i am going to. Only one problem. I only had time to make one for the left hand, so this creation you will see back an other day, because i am planning to make a right one also ;). I want a pair of these.


  1. It's a good feeling when you make something you really like.

  2. This is super excellent. I can think of a few of my anacronistic friends who would be into these...

    1. Thanks for the complement :). Had to look up the word anacronistic. Did not know what it meant, but I do now. So a learned something new today :)
